Dudley offers free training to young P2W riders

16.02 | 28 April 2010 | | 2 comments

Dudley’s road safety team is offering a free CBT plus training scheme for young and inexperienced P2W riders.

The West Midlands Road Safety Partnership is funding the training scheme and the grants for 16 – 19 year olds are provided by Dudley Council.

The training is organised by Helen North, Dudley RSO, and Mike Mounfield, West Midlands Road Safety Partnership’s motorcycle project officer.

The course is designed for 16 -19 year old P2W riders who have completed their CBT but haven’t obtained a full licence. It is structured to compliment their existing knowledge and build on their experience, providing them with the skills they need to stay safe on the roads.

Riders aged 16-19 years who take part are eligible for a £50 equipment grant and all rider are entitled to a 10% discount with a local motorbike shops. 

Two of the day-long courses have already taken place and a third is scheduled for 19 June.

For more information contact Helen North on 01384 814439.


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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      When I bought my first bike, the seller showed me how to operate the clutch and engage first gear. I became a instant motorcyclist. In six months time, I passed my test having had no formal training. Forty-seven years later, I am still riding and alive because I subsequently went to the motorcycle training school that is the role model for all the others, the Metropolitan Police Driving Police at Hendon. I am a devotee of training and this initiative at Dudley deserves every credit. I would like to say well done to Helen and Mike for doing their best for young riders.

      Roy Buchanan. Sutton
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      A very good idea to support younger riders and increase their ability and confidence on two wheels, hope all goes well.

      I know where I live the last 5 yrs stats for motorcycle and scooter accidents up to 125cc and around town stand at about 85.

      It would be good therefore if this initiative was taken up generally.

      bob craven
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