A new illuminated school crossing patrol (SCP) sign is being trialled at two primary schools in County Durham.
The new sign was developed by Andrew Turner, an inventor from Darlington, and the project is being managed by Neil Herron, a local entrepreneur in the north east. Mr Turner had the idea for the illuminated sign after witnessing a near miss at a SCP site in Darlington during bad weather conditions.
The sign is designed to be more visible to drivers giving them more time to slow down for SCPs, particularly during the darker mornings and evenings in the winter months.
The new invention is being trialled over a four-week period at schools in Peterlee and Stanley. If the pilot is successful, the developers hope the new sign will be used across the country.
Alan Kennedy, Durham County Council’s road safety manager, said: "This is an interesting technological development which may help to improve road safety for children walking to school.
"We have agreed to run a four week trial of the signs at two of our crossing patrol locations to look at whether they are effective."
Andrew Turner said: "The illuminated Lollipop Stick uses an electro-luminescent material and some clever circuitry – all connected to a rechargeable battery pack contained in the handle and a tilt switch to ensure automatic illumination. The sign can be set to provide constant illumination or flashing mode."
Neil Herron, project director, said: "We have developed the illuminated Lollipop Stick to become the focal point for wider road safety awareness around schools. It will help stimulate debate amongst schoolchildren, parents and drivers. It will hopefully lead to a national awareness campaign."
For more information contact Neil Herron on 0191 516 6716.
Photo courtesy of North News and Pictures
Anyone know what the results are for this feature?
Andrew, Chelmsford Essex
I wonder how much it weighs? Illuminated SCP signs are nothing new as we know. The problem was always the weight. I guess these days it might not be so much of a problem.
Ian Gwenlan, West Sussex
As a manager of School Crossing Patrols I am looking forward to seeing the results of this trial. Only yesterday afternoon I was out with a patrol and it was getting quite dark even at 3.50pm. If these signs are shown to work then I will certainly be thinking about getting them. Anything to improve the visibility of patrols is a good thing.
Melanie McHale
Louise: I don’t know about this new sign, but I’m pleased to say discreet video cameras have been installed in some traditional STOP signs used by SCPs for a couple of years now to catch offenders.
Hugh Jones, Cheshire
I have witnessed and heard so many stories of drivers blatantly driving around SCP ladies and gents whilst they are in the middle of the road. Perhaps a camera can be incorporated in to the new sign too, to capture the near misses?
Louise, Leicester
Not sure about this one, but it will be interesting to see the results of the trial. If it works then great, as anything that improves road safety is always welcome.
Mike Hancox MD Colan Ltd Warwick