Fatalities down, KSIs up in latest DfT stats

12.00 | 7 February 2013 | | 3 comments

Fatalities were down but KSI casualties were up for the 12 months ending 30 September 2012, according to new statistics published last week by the DfT.

There were 1,760 fatalities during the 12-month period, which equates to a 7% drop compared to the year ending September 2011; however, the number of people killed or seriously injured (KSI) rose to 24,860, a 2% increase. Pedestrian, cyclist, and motorcyclist KSI casualties all increased – by 6%, 8% and 4% respectively – while child KSIs fell by 1%.

The number of fatal collisions on major roads (motorways and A roads) fell by 9%, while fatal or serious collisions fell by 2%. However, fatal and serious collisions on minor roads increased by 5%.

In total, there were197,730 casualties from 146,980 collisions in the period, which represents a 3% fall for both casualties and collisions. Motor vehicle traffic levels were virtually unchanged (up 0.2%).

Commenting on the figures, chief constable Suzette Davenport, ACPO lead for roads policing, said: “It is certainly encouraging to see that while traffic levels rose slightly, there has been a reduction of 7% in fatalities and 10% in child casualties compared to the same time in 2011.

“There has also been a 38% reduction in the number of those killed, including a 17% reduction in the number of those killed or seriously injured compared with the average from 2005 to 2009.

“However, we acknowledge the increase in pedestrians, pedal and motor cyclists killed or seriously injured and we want to reassure the public that the police will continue working hard to make significant progress in all areas of road safety.

“Re-educating drivers and improving road standards takes time but we are making progress. This is evident when we compare there were more than 18,000 car users killed or seriously injured for the same time in 2003, compared with just over 9,000 in 2012."

Neil Greig, IAM director of policy and research, added: “It is reassuring to see an overall drop in the number of road casualties, however, this should not mask the increase of deaths and serious injuries for cyclists and pedestrians.

“The rise in the number of fatal and serious accidents on minor and built-up roads is concerning. The Government needs to think about which roads are the safest and where they should be dedicating their resources.”

Click here to read the full DfT report: Reported Road Casualties in Great Britain: Quarterly Provisional Estimates.


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    There’s probably a correlation between the increase in pedestrian & cylist injuries and the rise in fatal and serious incidents on minor roads.

    It may be the better protection that car occupants get now is starting to show up the improvements that need to be made in road user behaviour as the tilt towards more vulnerable road users being hurt may be actually more of a decrease in the other user groups’ injuries.

    Dr James Whalen DSA ADI (car), Wolverhampton
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    I think that most of us viewing this website will be looking at these 197,730 reported casualties in the year and be trying to understand any trends.

    What is disappointing is that the first comment you wish to make is repeating the same tired old mantra about your “cherry picked statistics” on 20mph limits.

    But I do note that you now add “as far as I know” to your comments which at least allows us to put them into some sort of perspective.

    Rod King, Cheshire, 20’s Plenty for Us
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    You’d be disappointed if I did not remind you that, when adjusted for traffic volume serious injuries in every area (as far as I know) converted from 30mph to 20mph have increased, and bucked the national trend.

    Eric Bridgstock, Independent Road Safety Research, St Albans
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