Two members of the Road Safety GB management team are the guests for two episodes of the RSGB Talk podcast being recorded for the Festival of Road Safety.
The Festival of Road Safety, organised by Road Safety GB and sponsored by Jenoptik, will run online from 1-26 November.
All the content will be aired free to view by all – and will comprise a mix of around 40 pre-recorded and live presentations, workshops, podcasts and live discussion sessions.
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The programme page on the Festival website has details of nearly 30 confirmed sessions, with an outline of the agenda currently under development.
The first two confirmed podcasts will see Road Safety GB’s Vicky Harvey (vice chair) and Matt Staton (director of research) join regular host Nick Rawlings.
Vicky has worked in the Kent County Council road safety team since 2009, and is currently team leader. She became vice-chair of Road Safety GB in November 2020, and will take over as chair at the organisation’s AGM in November 2022.
Nick and Vicky will discuss the direction of travel for Road Safety GB, what motivated Vicky to join the Road Safety GB management team, and what she is hoping to achieve in her time in office.
Meanwhile, Matt is the road safety partnership delivery manager for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough and oversees the activity undertaken across the councils, emergency services and other organisations in the Vision Zero partnership.
He became Road Safety GB’s director of research in September 2020.
In this podcast, Nick and Matt will discuss what his role as director of research entails, the importance of following the data when developing interventions, and current projects including the Analysts’ Network and Joining the Dots annual conference.
For more information about the Festival programme contact Edward Seaman by email, or to express interest in sponsoring or supporting the Festival contact Nick Rawlings by email.
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