Fleet Safety Forum launches campaign to prevent whiplash

09.52 | 16 October 2009 | | 1 comment

The Fleet Safety Forum, an initiative coordinated by Brake, is urging companies to tackle the issue of ill-fitting head restraints.
The charity’s Move Up campaign is calling on fleet safety managers to get expert advice on saving their employees’ necks by attending a workshop on preventing whiplash and head injuries.
Research released by Brake and Direct Line Car Insurance in August 2009 showed that two out of three drivers never or rarely check their head restraints.
The workshop, at Thatcham, Berkshire on 2 December, will explain the latest technologies in head restraint design and outline the importance of promoting correct head restraint practice among employees.
To register contact Brake on 01484 559909.


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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      If you have a receiver hitch, this is the only other “safety” device that will help in a rear end collision: http://www.sparebumper.com

      80% percent of all rear end collisions (the most frequent vehicle accident) are caused by driver inattention, following too closely, external distraction (talking on cell phones, shaving, applying makeup, fiddling with the radio or CD player, texting, etc.) and poor judgment.

      Other than a properly adjusted head rest these are the only other devices to protect you. Air bags do not deploy in a rear end collision and seat belts do nothing for “occupant acceleration”…

      Driving defensively rarely helps because 48% of the people that hit you in the rear are not slowing down…they’re just not paying attention.

      Jeff Mohr/CEO/Mohr Mfg/USA
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