‘For My Girlfriend’ teaches important lessons on Humberside

10.01 | 13 February 2012 | | 1 comment

A crash scene enactment staged by Safer Roads Humber as part of its 2012 ‘For my girlfriend’ campaign attracted widespread regional media attention.

The For my girlfriend campaign has been around for more than 10 years. It uses Valentine’s Day – the most romantic day of the year – to encourage young drivers to take responsibility for their loved ones on the roads.

Drama students from North Lindsey College in Scunthorpe took part in a mock crash on 9 February, during which they were rescued from a car by the emergency services, with fellow students looking on.

BBC Look North, ITV Calendar News, Viking FM, Lincs FM and the Scunthorpe Telegraph all attended the event.

The aim was to show students what happens when the emergency services have to rescue young people from crashes, and explore the issues around why the crash occurred in the first place.

The young male car driver was breathalysed and questioned by the police, while the injuries sustained by passengers demonstrated the potentially fatal consequences of not wearing a seat belt. The event also explored the influence (good and bad) that friends have on young drivers.

Ruth Gore, Safer Roads Humber marketing officer, said: “The event went really well. Several hundred students watched and we asked evaluation questions.”

Humberside Fire and Rescue Service, Humberside Police, North Lincolnshire Council and East Midlands Ambulance Service were all involved in staging the event.

For further information contact Ruth Gore on 01482391458.


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      Well done Ruth & team, this sounds like a very worthwhile event aimed at a key group of road users.

      Dave, Leeds
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