The latest episode of the RSGB Talk podcast previews the upcoming Project EDWARD week of action.
Project EDWARD (Every Day Without A Road Death) is described as the biggest platform for showcasing good practice in road safety in the UK.
The 2023 week of action has been moved from its traditional September slot to May – running from 15-19 May.
In the podcast, which is now available to listen to and download, Darren Lindsey explains the change was made in order to coincide with UN Global Road Safety Week.
Darren also talks through the theme, ‘Safer Mobility, Everyone’s Responsibility’, as well as what’s going throughout the week.
Among the highlights are the three Project EDWARD road trips, one of which Darren is leading.
Three teams will visit various towns and cities during the week, to experience and promote some of the best practices in road safety. The teams will share their experiences through social media and other channels.
Darren also explains how local authorities can get involved.
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