Hackney “passionate” about reclaiming space from motor vehicles

08.43 | 23 September 2022 | | 1 comment

Hackney Council says the introduction of three new parklets reaffirms its ongoing commitment to reclaim road space from motor vehicles and rebuild a greener borough in the aftermath of the pandemic.

The parklets have been installed on Wilton Way, ‘radically repurposing’ car parking spaces into green sitting areas.

Each parklet consists of a wooden platform and planters, with local businesses providing seating during the day. While they are used and maintained by businesses, the parklets are funded by the council and available for passers-by to use.

Two new cycle parking parklets with shrubs and trees will also provide more bike spaces and greenery on the street.

Philip Glanville, mayor of Hackney, said: “Seven in 10 Hackney households do not own a car, which is why we’re passionate about reclaiming space from motor vehicles for everyone.

“Not only do these parklets give people somewhere to sit and relax, they also provide more space for local businesses to trade.

“This is all part of our plans to rebuild a greener Hackney, and encourage people to walk, cycle and shop locally.”



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      I am sure that like the pedestrians of Liverpool, the pedestrians of Hackney are also passionate about reclaiming space from cyclists – namely the pavements where cyclists and e-scooters constantly almost mow us down as they whizz past. RECLAIM PAVEMENTS FROM CYCLISTS AND E-SCOOTERS. GIVE PEDESTRIANS, OUR SPACES BACK!

      Christina Young, Liverpool
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