Hard-hitting mobile phone video passes 7m views

12.00 | 28 September 2016 | | 1 comment

An emotional video that warns young drivers of the dangers involved in using a mobile phone while driving has achieved more than 7m views on Facebook.

The video (featured) forms part of the US based ‘It Can Wait’ campaign, which carries the tagline ‘you’re never alone on the road, even when you are alone in your car’.

The film features a number of young drivers discussing how and why they use a mobile behind the wheel, before they unexpectedly meet a victim of a road collision caused by a young driver using their phone.

The young lady tells the story of how on the way back from her university graduation, her car was involved in a collision with a HGV which was forced to swerve by the actions of a young driver using their mobile.

The collision killed both of her parents and left the girl with life-changing injuries, including partial paralysis.

The story produces an emotional reaction from the young drivers, all of whom vow to change their behaviour with regard to using their mobile when behind the wheel.

The ‘It Can Wait’ campaign was launched earlier this year and aims to remind young drivers that ‘distracted driving is never OK’.

The initiative is backed by the telecommunications giant AT&T and asks motorists of all ages to make an online pledge to ‘care for those around me and put my mobile phone down when I’m driving’. So far, more than 11m people have made the pledge worldwide.

Earlier this month in the UK, it was widely reported that the penalty for the offence is to double from three points and a £100 fine to six points and a £200 fine.

Although there has been no official government announcement, the new penalties are expected to come into force in the first half of 2017.

The increase in penalty points would mean an immediate ban for newly-qualified drivers who have a ceiling of six points for the first two years after passing the test.


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      This is a great campaign.

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