How can road safety and public health practice work together?

12.00 | 10 May 2013 | | 3 comments

The latest confirmed presentation to be delivered at the 2013 National Road Safety Conference will examine how road safety and public health practice can come together to achieve ‘key public health goals’.

More than 120 people have already registered to attend the conference which will take place in Harrogate, 13-14 November. Road Safety GB Yorkshire and Humberside Region is hosting the event and Colas and AA DriveTech have both renewed their sponsorship.

The presentation by Dr Stephen Morton, director for Public Health England Yorkshire and Humber area, will look at how road safety and public health practice can interact to help prevent premature mortality, reduce health inequalities, promote physical activity, improve air quality and maintain independence for vulnerable groups.

The presentation will also outline how ‘best buys’ for public health are unlikely to be single issue initiatives but broad alliances around places, sustainability and social capital.

Dr Morton is medical graduate from Queen’s University in Belfast. He worked as a director of Public Health in East Lancashire for many years and during this period chaired the Lancashire Road Safety Partnership.

In 2004, he joined the Health Protection Agency as the unit director for Cumbria and Lancashire and was appointed regional director for Health Protection Services in Yorkshire and the Humber in 2009.

His professional interests include health equity; the impact of transport, housing and social support on health; and the co-benefits in promoting sustainability and public health.

Click here for more information about the National Road Safety Conference, or contact Sally Bartrum or Nick Rawlings on 01379 650112.


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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      Lots of disagreement with me, I guess from the employees of LHAs! Think big guys, NHS budgets are gigantic…yes they will make mistakes but there will be much more money to casualty reduction than the current pittance.

      pete, liverpool
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      Does Pete not know that the NHS is in chaos, not least due to the inability of its already inflated management system being unable to cope with their existing workload?

      Idris Francis Fight Back With Facts Petersfield
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      In the last few years we have seen PCTs starting to fund “soft” measures and semi-soft (such as speed limit changes).

      Any “extra” money is good, but I would suggest thinking wider. Why is it that LHAs fund accident reduction when it is the NHS that is the “loser” after an accident occurs? OK the LHA has the congestion disbefit and an odd sign or fence to replace, but the bulk of loss lies with the patient and NHS.

      Putting all safety budgets, inc engineering budgets, in the hands of NHS would be a great leap forward in my view. Engineers would still advise and design, but the cycle and plan/budget/act/monitor would be strengthened considerably particularly when actual long term health costs were factored in for serious life changing injuries.

      pete, liverpool
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