IAM publishes Road Safety Manifesto

13.22 | 21 April 2010 | | 3 comments

The IAM (Institute of Advanced Motorists) has published its ‘Road Safety Manifesto’ for the upcoming election, calling for urgent support from all political parties to promote driver and rider improvement on UK roads.

Two of the more radical ideas in the IAM manifesto are new incentives for chief constables to provide high profile policing, and tax breaks for companies offering their drivers further training.

Simon Best, IAM chief executive, said: “A lifelong approach to learning, delivered through advanced training, is the single biggest factor that can benefit road safety.

“Young drivers, older drivers, motorcyclists and business drivers are the groups that would benefit the most from further training, and the IAM has solutions that could potentially improve their safety record.”

The IAM calls for Government to play its part by providing simple incentives for those considering further training such as tax breaks and Vehicle Excise Duty discounts, with any cost to the exchequer being redeemed through savings from fewer crashes.

The IAM considers visible policing to be a much overlooked deterrent to reckless driving. More police on the road will encourage good driver behaviour and deny use of the road to a reckless minority.

The full IAM Manifesto can be found online at: www.iam.org.uk/manifesto

For more information contact the IAM Press Office on 020 8996 9777.


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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      I agree with Roy and Vince. More visible roads policing by fully trained traffic police. Quality isn’t necessarily cheap but it’s cost effective in the long term.

      Drivers breaking the law should be required (not given the option) to attend an appropriate educational workshop – the fee charged should reflect the cost of delivery. Offending road users need to be informed of the reasons why their behaviour is not acceptable and given the relevent information to help them develop their skills.

      Positive and consistent educational programmes and the subsequent ‘ripple effect’ will deliver sustainable improvement in the long term. There isn’t a realistic quick fix solution.

      Mark – Wiltshire
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      Vince and I are at one here but we would be, wouldn’t we? I will resist the temptation to boast about Sutton’s campaign for better roads policing but it is so essential for a high level of road safety and supported by a mass of evidence. Judging by the driver behaviour I currently see on the road I would have a field day were I to return to my former occupation. I am delighted that the IAM, a repected organisation, has leant its weight to the cause.

      Roy Buchanan, Sutton
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      I fully agree with the more visible policing, preferably by fully trained traffic police. It would also help with crime detection because, as we know, criminals use the road and most don’t think twice about flouting traffic law.

      Vince Morley – RSO MK
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