Irish campaign says ‘Ease off the Gas!’

13.16 | 28 May 2010 |

A new series of billboard posters are the latest phase of Mayo County Council’s ‘Ease off the Gas!’ campaign, which aims to encourage motorists to drive at an appropriate speed and show consideration for other road users.

The billboard campaign was launched in the run up to an international conference about speeding held at Dublin Castle on 31 May, where discussions focused on the introduction of safety cameras on Irish roads.

The billboards show a crashed crash with a ‘Baby on board’ sticker, to make motorists think that its not just their own lives they put at risk, but that of other road users.

The campaign primarily targets young people and motorcyclists.

Noel Gibbons, Mayo’s RSO, said: "Speeding is the number one killer on our roads, especially among younger drivers, which is why we’re working hard to change driver behaviour.

“Speeding is a choice people make and people can just as easily make the choice to slow down and save lives.”

Contact Noel Gibbons for more information.



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