Is Beryl the UK’s longest serving SCP?

12.04 | 4 November 2010 | | 3 comments

Balfour Beatty, which provides the school crossing patrol service on behalf of North East Lincolnshire Council, is claiming that it may have the UK’s longest serving patrol.

Beryl Quantrill has been patrolling for 46 years, including 33 years guiding children through the gates of Queen Mary Primary School.

Beryl’s involvement with road safety does not stop at the school gates. She is also a regular visitor to the classroom where she gives road safety talks to pupils.

Her efforts have not gone unrecognised and in 2005 parents, pupils and teachers voted for her in the School Crossing Patrol of the Year award.

Beryl says: “People are always asking why I don’t just put my feet up and retire, but that’s not what I am about. I love being an active part of the community and with four children, 10 grandchildren and two great grandchildren of my own I know how important it is to keep them safe on our roads.

“I love welcoming the children into school each day and have enjoyed watching them grow up and then bringing their own children along to the school.”

For more information contact Doug Wright, Balfour Beatty, on 01472 324490.


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      On behalf of Beryl, thank you for your very kind comments.

      Doug, Grimsby
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      Well done to Beryl. She has certainly beaten Warrington’s longest serving School Crossing Patrol Officer (31 years service). Well done Beryl.

      Melanie McHale, Warrington Borough Council
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      As a parent with children at Queen Mary Avenue School, I can honestly say that Beryl is very much appreciated. A 20mph speed limit has been imposed along the avenue and many motorists seem oblivious to that. I honestly believe that without Beryl our children could be in serious danger as motorists do not seem to care that they are close to a school. May she continue to protect our children for a few more years.

      Elaine, Cleethorpes
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