‘Lighter Later’ campaign launched

09.27 | 27 June 2010 |

A new campaign has been launched to persuade the Government to conduct a trial of to change Britain’s clock settings to GMT + 1 hour in winter and GMT + 2 hours in summer.

RoSPA and Road Safety GB have for many years advocated such a change, on the grounds that it would improve road safety.

The Lighter Later campaign claims its proposals would ‘allow most of us to enjoy an extra hour of useable sunlight each day, bringing about substantial environmental and quality-of-life benefits for millions of British citizens at almost no cost to the state’.

The campaign was launched with a parliamentary conference on 21 June (the longest day), which included new research from Cambridge University into the carbon and energy savings that could be achieved.

The campaign has also sent a letter to the prime minister, signed by more than 15,000 supporters, asking the government to implement a trial of the proposed change to Britain’s clock settings.

Road Safety GB was represented at the launch by Christine Fitzgerald (TfL), one of the regional representatives for London, who said: “The launch was very well supported by parliamentarians and various other groups.

“It was mentioned that road safety campaigners have lobbied for the change for many years and the benefits in terms of reducing the number of KSIs were outlined.

“However, it was felt that the research from Cambridge University on the CO2 savings and the impact on the environment was a really good way to get the message listened too.  
”It was also agreed that parliamentarians would raise the profile of the issue in the House of Lords and via back benchers.”

For more information visit the Lighter Later website.


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