‘Live with it’ campaign runs again

09.38 | 4 January 2010 | | 4 comments

The THINK! speed campaign, ‘Live with it’, is running again 4-31 January 2010 inclusive. 

The campaign was developed in 2008 and aired for the first time early in 2009. It aims to puncture the myth that ‘accidents only happen to someone else’, and convince drivers that the speeds that they perceive not to be dangerous are in reality putting themselves and others in danger.  

The campaign will run on TV, radio and cinema; click here to view the TV commercial.

Click here
to download the full campaign briefing note, or for more information contact THINK! team member Lauren Psyk.



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    David, I couldn’t agree with you more. Poor driving accounts for a lot more fatalities than speeding, drink driving etc. yet nothing is done. We need a more rigorous driver training scheme that trains people to be safer drivers rather than just getting people through a test.

    There are a lot more selfish drivers out there who have no consideration for anyone but themselves and these account for more than drug/drink drivers put together yet nothing is done to target these individuals.

    You only have to take a look outside most schools in the country to see the selfish people who park on the zig-zags lines, over other people’s driveways and across junctions who are putting not just their own children at risk but all children who attend that school

    Martin, Liverpool
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    Around 85% of road fatalities do not involve a vehicle which was exceeding a posted limit. Virtually all fatalities involved an error of judgement or a lack of observation. What is needed long term is better training pre-test and regular assesements post test to combat antisocial driving and poor road use. By instilling the mantra that speed kills into drivers year after year we are simply telling them that as long as they drive at or within the limit they will be safe and this is simply not the case and is producing a generation of drivers who drive slowly but without due care and attention or thought for other drivers.

    David, Yorkshire
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    A collision occurs when somebody or something invades somebody else’s space. The term ‘road traffic collision’ is more appropriate than ‘road traffic accident’

    Some road users make a decision to break the law by exceeding the speed limit. Others do it accidently without intending to – it’s still breaking the law. Either way the result can lead to tragedy.

    Road users also need to be reminded that speed limits are an absolute legal maximum. Road users need to choose an appropriate safe speed for the prevaling conditions that is within the speed limit. Inappropriate speed within the speed limit can also lead to tragedy.

    Mark – Wiltshire
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    Here we go again – “It aims to puncture the myth that ‘accidents only happen to someone else’.” Breaking the Law is NO accident, and speeding is Breaking the Law. Cause a CRASH whilst breaking the Law cannot be called an ‘accident’ to do so is grossly misleading.

    The Government must know that – The word/term ‘accident’ (in this context) is in fact incorrect, inappropriate, grossly misleading, and it is insulting, insensitive, deeply offensive, deeply distressing. It is belittling the trauma and devastation suffered by families of Innocent loved ones horrifically and violently killed in Road Traffic Crashes in an unprovoked attack of Road Violence by another road user who used their vehicle as a lethal weapon whilst committing one or more criminal offences and Playing Russian Roulette with the lives of innocent men, women and children.

    By using the term ’Road Traffic Crash or Incident’ – it is not used to apportion blame, but rather states a fact and may be used in all cases regardless of how the Crash occurred and would give proper meaning and respect especially to the innocent victims killed and injured. And would relieve a little of the Trauma, which affects the health and well-being of so many bereaved parents and families of Innocent Victims of Road Violence.

    The Terminology ‘accident’ trivialises the enormity of a Road Crash in every sense and is extremely detrimental to the commission of raising awareness about Road Safety and in changing attitudes towards safe driving.

    The correct use of terminology is absolutely vital in influencing attitudes towards Road Traffic Crashes and the carnage and devastation caused.

    We cannot beging to get the message across until the Government treat Law Breaking on the road as a crime and not an ‘accident’.

    B W

    Bridget Wall
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