Liz Brooker receives MBE at Buckingham Palace ceremony

12.00 | 28 October 2016 | | 5 comments

Liz Brooker, road safety & sustainable transport manager at Lewisham Council, was at Buckingham Palace last week to receive the MBE she was awarded in the 2016 Queens Birthday Honours.

Liz, who has been involved in road safety within Lewisham for more than three decades, received the honour at a ceremony led by The Princess Royal (Anne).

In her role at Lewisham, Liz is responsible for delivering the Bikeability cycle training programme and the council’s SCP service, as well as road safety campaigns and initiatives, encouraging smarter travel choices and school and workplace travel plans.

Liz is also Road Safety GB London Region’s press and communications officer, having previously held the position of Road Safety GB national press and PR officer.

She is also an active member and trustee of the London Road Safety Council (LRSC). She is currently vice chair of the projects sub committee and a member of the centenary working group.

Liz has also represented LEPT (London European Partnership of Transport) on the Eurocities Mobility Forum, as chair of the Road Safety Working Group.

Wendy Brice Thompson, chairman of the LRSC, said: “This honour is richly deserved and is a fine example of an officer who has served her London borough, Lewisham, for many years – and indeed the wider road safety movement.”

Speaking when the award was first announced in June, Liz said she was “totally overwhelmed and so happy”.

She added: “I have loved working in road safety and never thought that when I started in the early 80s it would lead to such an amazing award! I still love what I do and feel privileged to work with such amazingly professional and dedicated friends and colleagues.”


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      Congratulations, Liz. Delighted for you.

      Michael McDonnell, Scotland
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      Well done Liz. A great occasion for you and your family.

      Rod King, 20’s Plenty for Us, Cheshire
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      Liz a massive well done, we are all so proud of you. Your dedication and enthusiasm for your profession is second to none and you fully deserve this recognition.

      Graham Curtis Lewisham
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      Wow! So pleased for you Liz – thoroughly well deserved. Don’t you look fab in the photo receiving your MBE!

      Ann Marie Bailey, Cambridgeshire County Council Road Safety Team
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      A thoroughly well deserved and hard-earned award, Liz, many congratulations! I hope you and your family had a fabulous day at the Palace. Well done and thank you from us all.

      Honor Byford, Chair, Road Safety GB
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