Merseyside partnership launches educational DVD

11.33 | 24 March 2010 | | 1 comment

The Merseyside Road Safety Partnership has launched a new education pack, inspired by a bereaved mother, to teach youngsters about road safety.

The idea of producing a DVD came about after Paula Burrows’ 17-year-old son Damen was fatally injured in a motorbike accident in 2006. The DVD includes a dramatisation of a collision involving young riders and drivers and their passengers, interviews with crash survivors and witness accounts from emergency services personnel.  The resource also includes a teachers’ pack with six lessons which fit into the curriculum for Key Stage 4 pupils.

Gill Roberts, senior RSO with St Helens Council, said: “Paula came to see me after her son was killed in a motorcycle collision in St Helens, and as a result the Merseyside Road Safety Officers Group applied for funding from the Partnership to develop the resource.

“Outstanding partnership working between the emergency services and road safety teams has enabled us to produce this DVD, which we hope will make a real difference to casualty reduction among young road users across Merseyside.”

The DVD was unveiled at a launch event at Cowley Language College in St Helens on 17 March. It aims to educate young road users about the ripple effect road traffic incidents can have on victims and those around them.

Dave Foulkes, Merseyside Road Safety Partnership manager, said: “This educational pack is a great way to reach the age group. The roll out will be targeted to Key Stage four pupils and the DVD will be used in PSHEE and citizenship classes.

“By using real life case studies and interviewees we are driving home the message in a way that young people can relate to, with the aim of challenging their attitudes and behaviours to ensure that all young road users in the region remain safe.”

Click here to watch the DVD or for further information contact Gill Roberts.


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      Very realistic, re-inforced think bike!

      Nikki Hinton, Andover
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