In response to the growing number of School Crossing Patrol (SCP) cuts taking place across Britain, a mother from Weymouth is extending her local campaign into a nationwide initiative.
Despite a petition carrying 10,000 names, Helen Toft says she has failed to convince Dorset County Council to reverse its decision to cut its SCP service.
James Gibson, press & PR officer for Road Safety GB, said: "In some areas change is unfortunately inevitable because of the spending cuts and Ms Toft is right to raise her concerns. Local authorities are faced with the challenge of how to prioritise any change to services.
"Road Safety GB supports the use of school crossing patrols where they can be demonstrated to serve road safety interests. Patrols play an important role in communities across the UK, helping thousands of children and adults cross safely every school day.
"Decisions to remove them should only be taken with due consideration of the implications for children’s safety and the possible effect on mode of travel to school.
"We also applaud Ms Toft’s ambition to make the service statutory."
Click here to visit Helen Toft’s blog.
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