New video highlights ‘fatal’ car seat fitting errors

12.00 | 7 August 2017 | | 2 comments

Good Egg Safety is encouraging parents to watch a new video produced to highlight common ‘routing’ problems, which it says could endanger the lives of young children being carried in car seats.

The video, which has had more than 217k views on the Good Egg Safety Facebook page, shows parents how to fix simple errors such as where the carry handle should be safely positioned on the seat.

Good Egg Safety says the thousands of free child-car seat checks it carries out across the UK each year have shown that the errors highlighted in the video are on the rise.

As well as watching the video, Good Egg Safety is asking parents to re-read their car seat instruction manual.

Jan James, Good Egg Safety chief executive, said: “These routing errors are very simple to fix and yet could mean the difference of life or death for your child if you were involved in a collision.

“We have therefore worked with our friends at the Arnold Clark Group to produce a series of ‘common error’ videos and have just released this one for parents to view.

“We urge all parents to take a few minutes to view this video and share it among their friends and family.”

Eddie Hawthorne, chief executive of Arnold Clark, said: “It’s vital that parents and carers know how to keep their little ones safe when travelling by car and we are very proud to support Good Egg and help raise awareness of potentially dangerous issues.”

The Good Egg team can be contacted for advice via the ‘Ask the Expert’ section on its website.




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      Thank you Pat. We would be grateful if you and our other friends in Wales could share it.
      It’s a potentially fatal error and we urgently need to reach as many parents as possible to let them know. You can see from the comments on our FaceBook page just how many are shocked by the information and grateful they now know how to do it.

      Your help (and any support from road safety practitioners reading this) would be very much appreciated.

      Jan James -Chief Executive, Good Egg Safety CIC
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      Short and sweet video. Very practical. Good stuff.

      Pat, Wales
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