The panellists for Question Time at the 2019 National Road Safety Conference comprise five individuals with a broad spectrum of road safety involvement.
Question Time is always one of the highlights of the National Conference, which this year is being held at Telford International Centre on 12-13 November.
The 11th edition of the National Conference is co-sponsored by Insure the Box, Jenoptik and DENSO – with more than 275 people already registered to attend.
The 2019 conference will follow a similar format to previous years, with both a main and fringe programme running concurrently. The Question Time session takes place on day two, 11.45 – 12.45, and will once again be chaired by Nick Rawlings, editor of Road Safety News.
Meet the panellists
Chief constable Nick Adderley, Northamptonshire Police & National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) lead for police motorcycling and the criminal use of Motorcycles
CC Nick Adderley has a keen interest in roads policing, which is a priority for his force.
In the time he has been with Northamptonshire Police, CC Adderley has reintroduced a road crime team to target criminal use of the road network.
Through his work with the NPCC motorcycling portfolio, CC Adderley leads the BikeSafe initiative. This national programme brings the police and motorcyclists together in a positive forum to inform and educate this vulnerable user group.
Angela McShane, founder of The Reinvention: Triumph over Injury
Angela McShane created The Reinvention, a community interest company, following a road traffic incident which left her with life-changing injuries.
The Reinvention aspires to be a leading voice for road safety through public speaking events, workshops and conferences. Along with this, it is building a support network for individuals who have suffered traumatic injuries, helping them rebuild their confidence and belief to achieve their life goals.
Angela was the focus for Road Safety Scotland’s recent drink-driving winter campaign and ambassador for their Don’t Risk It campaign.
Pauline Reeves, deputy director, road user licensing, insurance and safety, DfT
Pauline Reeves is a senior civil servant with over 20 years’ experience of working across central government, local government and the private sector.
She is currently deputy director in charge of road user licensing, insurance and safety in the Department for Transport.
She was previously in charge of sustainable accessible travel and delivering the Prime Minister’s ambition for cycling, working with a wide range of stakeholders and other government departments.
Mark Winn, chief driving examiner, head of rider and vocational policy, DVSA
Mark Winn is the head of profession for all driving examiners and provides professional advice, guidance and leadership to all examiners on all aspects of the driving test.
He is responsible for the strategic direction for motorcycle rider and vocational driver policies, services and products in the DVSA.
His role covers a wide spectrum of road safety activities, from advice provided to the Secretary of State to that given to test candidates.
Philippa Young, vice chair, Road Safety GB and group manager, transport planning, traffic and road safety, Warwickshire County Council
With more than 25 years’ experience in the road safety profession, Philippa Young has managed both safety engineering and road safety ETP teams, as well as school travel planning teams in local authorities across the country.
She was appointed group manager in 2013 and considers her team in Warwickshire to be a true integration of the four Es; combining expertise in data analysis, road safety education, training and publicity, casualty reduction, highways engineering and driver education services.
Philippa joined the Road Safety GB Board of Directors in November 2018, when she took up the post of vice chair.
National Conference Workshops – sign up now!
Delegates are now being invited to register one of the five workshops, which also take place on day two of National Conference (1.45-2.25pm).
The facilitator of each session will give a brief introduction to the topic and then answer questions and deal with issues raised by attendees.
The five workshops cover:
- Kagan cooperative learning techniques
Facilitated by Kate Castle, Warwickshire County Council - Bikeability – the National Standard for Cycling
Facilitated by Benjamin Smith and Michael Frearson, Bikeability Trust
- Modeshift STARS scheme
Facilitated by Nick Butler & Sarah Grattage, Modeshift
- Telematics insurance and young driver safety (fully subscribed)
Facilitated by Simon Rewell, Insure the Box - An introduction to Arility (fully subscribed)
Facilitated by Alan Kennedy & Alison Williams, Road Safety GB
Click here to find out more about each workshop and / or to register to attend (conference attendees only please).
Delegate registration
The full residential fee is £355 for Road Safety GB/Academy members, and £445 for other attendees – and includes all conference sessions, refreshments throughout the two days, overnight accommodation and the conference dinner.
Hotel accommodation is in short supply, so anyone intending to attend as a residential delegate is advised to book as soon as possible.
Day delegate places are available for both or either day, from £105 (all prices plus VAT).
Click here to book a place to attend, or for more information contact Sally Bartrum on 01379 650112.
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