Following the 12-week suspension of NDORS classroom-based courses, UKROEd is trialing an online version of the National Speed Awareness Course.
The move is part of the organisation’s response to the unprecedented challenges being caused by the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.
UKROEd has been working with behaviour change academics to develop and quality-assure the new ‘iNSAC’, which will be available at the discretion of police forces across England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
The first courses were rolled-out on 27 March – just seven days after the classroom based courses were suspended.
Although much of the content of the iNSAC course remains similar to the classroom version, there are some changes:
- The online course is shorter, lasting approximately two and a half hours, compared with the four hour classroom-based course
- The ways in which course trainers interact with participants is different
- Clients work in groups of eight with one trainer, whereas the classroom version is based on 24 clients and two trainers
- Instead of receiving a logbook for the course, clients will need to have pen and paper available, as making notes and writing an action plan remain key parts of the online course
A UKROEd spokesperson said: “Our dedicated team members have worked together to review the classroom course and develop a high-quality digital option.
“The changes have been driven by the need to recognise that we interact differently online from how we interact in a classroom setting. It is also vital to understand that the course has to work on different technical delivery platforms, and it must work equally well for all clients who choose to take the option.”
The digital course will be reviewed after 12 weeks.
Nick: are you able to e-mail me Nigel’s article please?
Hugh Jones, Cheshire
Thanks, Hugh, I think we are going round the houses a bit on this one. I know and understand your thoughts about speed being the dominant thing. Yes, you obviously have to have the right speed for the circumstances but, because of generally low threat perception, most drivers’ speed is generally not low enough for the conditions at that moment. So they could still be within the legal limit and be potentially dangerous. ‘Legal’ obviously means at and not above the legal limit for that road. May I suggest you read my article which has been sent to Nick.
For those persons who disagree that for safety space is ultimately more important than speed for I refer them to my article ‘Space: The Real Key to Safety’, a copy of which has been sent to Nick Rawlings.
Our speed and space within which we can stop safely are obviously linked Nigel, but I think you’re talking about space from the vehicle in front (which we can see), whereas I am referring to regulating our speed to be able to avoid what we can’t see ahead of us, but which could appear in our path without warning e.g. pedestrian or cyclist or another motor vehicle. ‘Speed awareness’ and ‘always being in control and being able to stop’ I think are essentially the same thing. By the way, what does ‘doing the legal speed’ mean?
Hugh Jones, Cheshire
I think I understand what you are saying, Hugh but, your comment, ‘Speed awareness means always being able to stop – and in control’, actually means that you need the space to be able to stop in time. You can be doing the legal speed and still be highly vulnerable to a crash if you don’t have the distance to be able to stop before hitting the one in front. I am horrified by the spacing generally seen on motorways, for example, most doing around 70 (perhaps!) but with so little spacing that they are seriously like the next crash waiting to happen. So, sorry to contradict but, it is space which is the key, not speed. And clearly the government mantra which might suggest that speed alone is the solution does not properly address the point regarding safe road behaviour.
Nigel ALBRIGHT, Taunton
Our speed determines whether we can control our vehicles and avoid or stop in time to avoid the unexpected. The space in front of us is important – when we can see what is or isn’t within that space – but not when we can’t, so we have to regulate our speed for what we cannot see, but what we may anticipate. Speed awareness means always being able to stop – and in control.
Hugh Jones, Cheshire
I just wonder when the powers that be will understand that space is in fact more important than speed where safety is concerned. Not to say that speed has not got a part to play but, far too much emphasis is placed on this alone as though this is the key panacea, which it is not.
Will the cost of attending a digital diversion course be reduced to account for the removal of overheads of hiring out conference rooms, I wonder?
David Weston, Newcastle-upon-Tyne