New film is premiered in Dunstable

14.39 | 25 May 2010 | | 3 comments

Students from Years 10 and 11 at Manshead Upper School in Dunstable have written and starred in a film drama that received its premier screening on 21 May at Dunstable Community Fire Station.

The film was shown to an invited audience of the cast and friends, teachers, officers from the emergency services and the three Bedfordshire councils and Mayor of Luton, Tom Shaw.

‘If only …’, a story of teenage siblings, friends and family, shows how a series of everyday choices – such as not wearing a seat belt – can lead to lives being transformed forever and the consequences of living with those decisions.

In 2009, schools throughout Bedfordshire were invited to participate in a script-writing competition run by the Bedfordshire and Luton Casualty Reduction Partnership as part of its ‘Belt Up for Life’ campaign.

The winning script was selected by a panel of road safety officers from Luton Borough, Central Bedfordshire and Bedford Borough councils. The script was then produced as a film to be used as an educational resource across and beyond the county. The team were also awarded £250 to be spent on road safety education resources for their school.

Alan Collins, Luton’s principal RSO, said: ‘We were really impressed with the students who rose to the challenge of the script-writing competition.

“They not only produced a really clever and thought-provoking script but went on to act in the final production to bring it all to life.

”The DVD will be used as an educational resource throughout Bedfordshire and we are also making it available to road safety teams nationally to reach a wide audience.”

The DVD includes teachers’ notes and suggested workshop ideas for follow up class work. Copies are available from the Luton road safety team on 01582 546861. 


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      This DVD pack is now onsale at £21.99 + VAT. If you would like a copy please contact the Luton Road Safety Team – with your details.

      Judy Pike
      Road Safety officer at Luton Borough Council

      Judy Pike
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      Jeanne – if you would like to see more road safety films produced by young people go to:

      In the can is a competition for young people to make their own film aimed at other young people – there are more than 50 entries on the website.

      Nick Rawlings, editor, Road Safety GB newsfeed
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      I have immediately requested a copy with teachers notes and would be interested to see something produced by students to gain their point of view on road safety issues.

      Jeanne Morgan at Knowsley Council Road Safety Team
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