New report advocates incentivised self-regulation for older drivers

10.33 | 25 November 2011 | | 3 comments

63% of people believe that motorists should be forced to stop driving when they reach a certain age, according to a new study which suggests the Government should improve the process of self-regulation among older drivers.

The report, ‘Driving in later life: options for reform’, found that one in four people believe drivers should have to stop driving at aged 75 years or younger.

While 55% of people are unaware that drivers have to renew their license at aged 70, 85% of those questioned believe that drivers should be retested at some point, with 40% saying that retesting should take place at 65 years or younger.

The report, carried out by the International Longevity Centre – UK, suggests that 66% of people support the idea of self-selected license restrictions. Additionally, more than two thirds of people favour the idea that older drivers who can demonstrate effective self-regulation should receive tax and insurance discounts.

The report also looked into the mindset of drivers. 30% consider themselves to be superior to most other drivers and only 1% of drivers believe they are worse than most.

The report concludes that the Government and other stakeholders should focus on improving the process of self-regulation among older drivers and that the DVLA should allow drivers to self-regulate. As in incentive, the report suggests that the Government should offer a 10% Vehicle Excise Duty discount for older drivers self-selecting license restrictions.

Click here to download the full report.


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      Testing and training is required to all drivers irrepective of their age. Traffic enviornments are rapidly changing and drivers need more training on how to share road with other vulnerable road users. There are more pedestrians and cyclists sharing the road today than in the past. Until we do the drastic changes to the road enviornment and the road infrastructure to absorb and adopt these rapid devevelopment, we need to train drivers on safe driving habits that safeguard walking/cycling rights of our vulnerable road users.

      Ediriweera Desapriya/Department of Pediatrics, BC Children’s Hospital, Canada
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      Why should OLDER drivers be given incentives to self regulate? EVERYBODY should be re tested every 5 years. Period.

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      All drivers should retest every 5 years. It’s ok to pick on older or young drivers but in my experience it’s the middle aged that need retesting. I doubt if it will ever be done because its not a good vote winner.

      ken knowles south wales
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