NI reveals 69 road deaths during 2023

09.45 | 4 January 2024 |

“As we start a new year, please resolve to help prevent collisions and save lives by slowing down and paying attention.”

That’s the message from the Northern Ireland government, on the back of figures showing there were 69 deaths on the country’s roads in 2023 (up to 11.59pm on 28/12/2023). 

This compares to a total of 55 deaths for the full year of 2022 and 50 in 2021.

The Department for Infrastructure (DfI) is reminding all road users of their shared responsibility when it comes to staying safe.

Dr Denis McMahon, DfI permanent secretary said: “Evidence shows that most road deaths are avoidable, as more than nine in ten deaths and serious injuries are due to human error. 

“We all share the responsibility for road safety. So if you are driving, slow down; pay attention and look out for other road users; leave the mobile phone alone; always wear a seatbelt and NEVER ever drink or take drugs and drive.”

The data shows that there were 13 motorcyclists and 19 pedestrians among the road deaths in 2023, described by Mr McMahon as “particularly shocking”

He added: “If you are a driver, help protect more vulnerable road users by slowing down and paying attention. If you are walking please always be aware of your surroundings and if walking at night please ensure you can be seen. 

“And if you are a cyclist or motorcyclist, please ensure you put your safety first. By each and every road user taking personal responsibility, we are likely to see a reduction in the number of people being killed or seriously injured.”

The DfI says it is actively committed to improving safety on Northern Ireland’s roads and will continue to work closely with partners in, including the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI).

Chief superintendent Sam Donaldson, from the PSNI’s Operational Support Department, said: “Reducing deaths and serious injury on our roads is a priority for us.

“The responsibility for making our roads a safer place is one that we all share, remember the ‘Fatal Five’ – don’t drink or take drugs and drive; slow down; don’t be careless; always wear your seat belt and never use your mobile phone whilst driving.”



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