North Lanarkshire has become the first local authority to introduce a new one-hour programme for schools which features a young Scottish racing driver.
The Good Egg Drivers School Event, which aligns with the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence (CfE), is co-presented by 18-year-old Christie Doran.
The event is part of the Good Egg New Driver Programme (NDP) which got underway at Bellshill Academy in Lanarkshire on 16 June and is designed to support young people in the senior phase of their education.
The programme helps to realise the CfE commitment to support young people in developing ‘skills for life’ by helping them to be safe as a young driver or passenger in a vehicle; and in the ‘confident individuals’ capacity by helping young people be self-aware and assess risk and make informed decisions in relation to their own and other’s safety in a motor.
Students who complete the session with Christie Doran compete in a quick fire quiz at the end to win tickets to see her race at Knockhill, and are also entered into a prize draw to win a car. All students also receive a free copy of the Good Egg New Driver Guides.
Christie Doran, who has ambitions to be the first Formula One female racing driver, said: "There is a time and a place for speed – and it is not on our roads.
“I am delighted to be involved with The Good Egg campaign as I want to help highlight the devastating consequences when drivers of my age get it wrong on the roads.
“However, we also want to show that there is a positive side to young drivers. Most are sensible. They are the role models.”
Jan James, Good Egg chief executive, said: “On the track, Christie drives at the limits of her vehicle’s performance. She knows all about speed, and she knows about safety and responsibility.
“She is the ideal person to be getting young drivers to think seriously about safety, and to realise just how much they take their lives in their hands when they get behind the wheel.
“Christie is an inspiring person. I am convinced that students will come out of these sessions determined to drive right, and to save their lives and the lives of other road users and passengers."
Councillor James Coyle, North Lanarkshire Council, said: “The Good Egg New Driver programme is an informative but fun way to get important safety messages across, and Christie is an excellent role model.
“Listening to Christie’s advice and experience will give our new young drivers a unique insight into driving well and safely throughout their lives.”
For more information about the Good Egg New Drivers’ programme contact Ruth Hunter Pepper on 07785 707 683.
Good Egg Safety
Good Egg Safety, campaigns to help keep families safer and provides information on safe driving for older motorists, family cycling, in-car child safety, and in-home child safety. The Good Egg Guide for New Drivers and The Parents Guide for New Drivers are new resources for young drivers and their parents.
It was an absolute privilege to work with such responsive, engaged and polite pupils at the three different schools. They were a credit to them.
Christie was excellent and able to demonstrate WHY she can drive fast on the track i.e her car has a roll cage and she wears a Hans device to stop her neck breaking in a collision….they don’t.
What was a real concern was that NONE of the pupils (from around 200 plus pupils) knew the difference between a green and pink badged instructor. With recent AA figures suggesting an increase of 27,000 first time driving test fails as a result of pink badged trainees, that is a major concern. It was a real eye opener and the results will be available soon for viewing on goodeggdrivers.com (professional section).
Jan James CEO Good Egg Drivers