Older road user conference open for delegate registration

11.36 | 9 January 2018 | | | 1 comment

A new one-day conference, designed to help road safety professionals keep older people safe on the roads for longer, has been officially launched with an attractive early bird rate.

The inaugural Older Road User Conference is being jointly organised by Road Safety GB in partnership with New View Consultants and the RAC Foundation – and in association with the headline sponsor Satsafe.

The conference is being held at the Royal Automobile Club’s prestigious Pall Mall Clubhouse in central London on 19 September 2018.

There are a limited number of early bird places available at the special price of £125 plus VAT for Road Safety GB and Academy members.

Aimed at road safety and public health practitioners, police and fire and rescue officers and highways engineers, the conference will set out to achieve the following goals:

  • To identify key safety issues relating to older road users
  • To showcase current interventions and initiatives being implemented by road safety practitioners
  • To identify gaps in current provision
  • And to outline challenges and actions for road safety professionals, government and other stakeholders

The conference team is currently in the early stages of planning the agenda, but has identified the following themes to be addressed during the day:

  • Roads and public transport for older road users
  • Vehicles – design for older drivers
  • Medical issues affecting older road users – cognitive decline, vision, dexterity, reactions etc
  • Education, enforcement and ‘influencers’

Confirmed speakers include: Dr Charles Musselwhite, Swansea University; Dr Chris McGinley, Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design; Dr Julie Gandolfi, Driving Research Ltd; Dr Lily Read, Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust and Sergeant Rob Heard, The Older Drivers Forum.

Delegate registration
Delegate registration for the conference is now open, with a limited number of early bird places available at £125 plus VAT for Road Safety GB & Academy members.

The cost for attendees from the public sector, third sector and academia is £175 plus VAT and for other attendees is £225 plus VAT. The delegate fee covers all refreshments, including lunch.

Click here to book a place to attend, or for more information contact Sally Bartrum via email or on 01379 650112.


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      ‘A new one-day conference, designed help road safety professionals keep older people safe on the roads for longer.’

      It concerns me that while the title of the conference appears inclusive, the associated illustration appears to be exclusive to those older road users who wish to walk and cycle on our roads and who require greater protection from drivers of all ages.

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