PACTS director receives Lynda Chalker Award

11.59 | 20 November 2009 | | 1 comment

Robert Gifford was presented with the 2009 Lynda Chalker Award at the Road Safety GB national conference on 12 November.

The Lynda Chalker Award is presented to an individual or organisation that has contributed significantly to road safety in the UK. Lynda Chalker (now the Baroness Chalker of Wallasey), who was transport minister in the mid-1980s, presented Road Safety GB with a carriage clock for the Award when she moved to a new post.

Robert Gifford is executive director of the Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety (PACTS), a registered charity and associate Parliamentary group advising MPs and Peers on road, rail and air safety issues.

He is a member of the Ministerial Road Safety Advisory Panel and since 1997 has acted as a special adviser to the House of Commons Transport Select Committee. He sits on the Standards Board and on the National Steering Group of the Driver Offender Retraining Group. He is also an external research adviser for the DfT on road and vehicle safety.

The award was presented by Alan Kennedy, chair of Road Safety GB, who said: "It gave me great pleasure to present this prestigious award to Rob. 

“He has done so much for casualty reduction in this country and has supported the work of road safety officers over many years. My colleagues and I congratulate him on receiving the award and wish him every success in the future.”

Robert said: "I am very honoured to receive this award. However, it is not just for me but for all of those who have worked for PACTS over the years and for all those in road safety who really do the work."


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      Congratulations to Rob, very well deserved. Rob behind the curtain and the blessed Gwynneth Dunwoody in the chair – one of the great double acts.

      Stephen Stradling, Edinburgh Napier University
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