PACTS presented with PMIRSA for private e-scooter research

14.28 | 13 December 2022 | | | 2 comments

Image: Chris Fossey

The Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety (PACTS) has been presented with a Prince Michael International Road Safety Award for its research into the safety of private e-scooters in the UK.

While authorised rental schemes have operated in England since July 2020, the overwhelming growth has been in private e-scooters.

Data suggests more than 1.3 million private e-scooters have been imported to the UK since 2019. While they can legally be sold, they are illegal to use on public roads and in public spaces.

The PACTS’ study was launched in August 2021 to gather qualitative and quantitative information on the safety of private e-scooters.

PACTS worked with a team of project partners including the NHS, police, legal professionals, head injury charities and representatives from road safety organisations, to make recommendations for safety regulations.

These cover the construction and use of private e-scooters and include a maximum speed limit of 12.5mph and mandatory helmets.

The research report, funded by The Road Safety Trust, also shows that in vital respects e-scooters are different from pedal cycles and should be assessed and regulated based on their own attributes.

It calls on the UK government to:

  • Take immediate action to address dangerous and illegal private e-scooter use
  • Undertake a thorough public consultation before making any decision on the legalisation of e-scooters
  • Publish the information on the trials and undertake further research 

Throughout 2021 PACTS also logged accounts of casualties from the internet and social media, and published the figures monthly on its website.

David Davies, PACTS executive director, said:  “The Prince Michael International Road Safety Awards are recognised as the gold standard, and PACTS is delighted to have been honoured with this prize in our 40th anniversary year.

“The use of e-scooters has exploded on UK streets in the past few years. Our research has filled a significant gap in knowledge about their safety.

 “The government has stated that it intends to legalise private e-scooters for use on public roads in the UK. The PACTS recommendations for regulations should be the starting point on which safe legislation is built.”

Established by HRH Prince Michael of Kent in 1987, each year the ‘most outstanding’ international road safety initiatives receive public recognition through the Prince Michael International Road Safety Award (PMIRSA) scheme.

The 2022 awards were presented today (13 Dec) – and Road Safety News will cover all UK based winners over the coming days.



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      Pat, thank you for your interest in the PACTS report. Due to the nature of the project an EqIA was not carried out however, within it we have considered the impact of private e-scooter use on vulnerable groups, see Chapter 6.

      Margaret Winchcomb, London
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      I will read the report over the Christmas break but just asking in advance if the research and report included a EqIA? (Equality Impact Assessment). We have to do this prior to introducing new projects.
      I will be interested to see how the EqIA reads for vulnerable groups like people with limited or zero sight and/or hearing and the frail, elderly and physically disabled.

      Pat, Wales
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