Pass Plus numbers top 500

12.51 | 30 October 2009 | | 1 comment

More than 500 newly qualified drivers have taken advantage of South Lanarkshire Council’s subsidised Pass Plus scheme.

The scheme helps newly qualified drivers gain valuable driving experience. Topics covered include driving in town, all weather driving, driving out of town, night driving, driving on dual carriageways and driving on motorways.

Chair of South Lanarkshire Council’s Road Safety Forum, councillor John Murray, said: “This is a great initiative and I am delighted so many newly qualified drivers have taken advantage of it.

“It is a pro-active approach to road safety and provides them with the necessary skills and knowledge to cope with varying road conditions.”

Contact James Davitt for further information.


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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      Sounds like a good scheme. Is there any possibility of it being extended to include those more vulnerable on our roads such as motorcyclists. I woulkd like to see something after CBT and before Test or indeed after test also.

      Bob Craven Blackpool
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