Places still available at Older Road User Conference

09.19 | 31 August 2018 | | | 1 comment

More than 140 people have already registered to attend the inaugural Older Road User Conference next month – with places still available for anyone wishing to attend.

Launched earlier this year, the Older Road User Conference will set out to help road safety professionals keep older people safe on the roads for longer.

The event has been jointly organised by Road Safety GB in partnership with New View Consultants and the RAC Foundation, in association with the headline sponsor Satsafe.

It is being held at the Royal Automobile Club’s prestigious Pall Mall Clubhouse in central London on 19 September.

The agenda is complete with 22 confirmed speakers covering a wide range of topics from medical issues, fitness to drive assessments, vehicles and technology and older driver interventions.

The opening address will be delivered by Dame Joan Bakewell CBE who recently presented a Panorama special report titled Life at 100. Dr Charles Musselwhite, associate professor in gerontology at the Centre for Innovative Ageing, Swansea University, will provide the keynote address.

The conference also includes a ‘Question Time’ session featuring John Plowman, chair of the Older Drivers Task Force, Kit Mitchell, Dr Carol Hawley and road safety officer Graham Mylward.

Delegate registration
The delegate fee for Road Safety GB and Academy members is £150; for other attendees from the public sector, third sector and academia £175; and for other attendees £225 (all plus VAT). The delegate fee covers all refreshments during the day, including lunch.

Click here to book a place to attend, or for more information contact Nick Rawlings via email or on 01379 650112.



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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      I do hope that the conference is able to attract older and fully retired, perhaps not well off, people. Both as speakers and audience.
      More than ever we need effective ‘co-design’ across strategy, policy and design.
      This is a field where older people can be invisible, especially having limited IT access, accepting that professionals have the very best intentions.
      If organisers read this, please raise this at the conference and feed back. Thanks

      Peter Treadgold, London
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