Positive signs in national SCP survey

14.22 | 25 July 2011 | | 1 comment

A survey carried out by Road Safety GB appears to indicate that the outlook for the school crossing patrol (SCP) service across the UK may not be as bleak as feared in some quarters.

70% of the 79 local authorities who completed the nationwide survey say they have no plans for any significant reduction or change to their SCP service.

10 local authorities say they have already implemented a service reduction or change, eight say that they are planning one, and another 10 say that a reduction or change is under consideration.

Seven of the respondents are using volunteer SCPs and six have secured sponsorship for their SCP service.

Richard Hall, Road Safety GB’s specialist advisor with regard to SCPs, said:  “While it is good to see that almost 70% of respondents say that it is business as usual – with no significant service reductions or plans for change – it is concerning that a significant minority are considering a change.

“It is interesting to see that some authorities are using volunteers, and others have secured funding through sponsorship. There could be pointers here for others who are faced with SCP funding issues.

“We are very grateful to the 79 authorities who responded – they have provided a valuable insight into the future of the SCP service.”

The full survey results are available in the members area of this website. For more information contact Richard Hall on 01724 297346.


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      I would be interested to learn more from authorities who are currently using volunteers. What are the pros and cons and how is the service managed?

      Susan Smith, Nottinghamshrie County Council
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