Potholes “the menace of our roads”

10.16 | 18 May 2022 | | 1 comment

The Government has announced a crackdown on companies who create a “plague of potholes” while carrying out roadworks.

Under the plans, a new performance-based inspections regime will be introduced, where the worst performing utility companies whose roadworks fail to meet strict standards will face financial penalties.

These companies will go on to be inspected more regularly by local authorities to ensure their work meets rigorous criteria and they leave roads in a good condition.

The Government hopes the move will help drivers save money on tyre and car damages caused by uneven road surfaces.

Grant Shapps, transport secretary, said: “The plague of potholes is the menace of our roads. That’s why I’m ensuring companies who create them and leave roads in a poor state can be held to account more easily – protecting drivers from unfair repair costs.

“We’ve already invested billions of pounds into roads maintenance, helping local authorities keep their highways well maintained and I’ll continue working to make sure all road-users around the country can enjoy the safe, world-class infrastructure they deserve.”

The move has been welcomed by the RAC, who says it should force utilities companies to “raise their game”.

Nicholas Lyes, RAC head of roads policy, said: “While roadworks are frustrating at the best of times, it’s even worse when utility companies leave roads in a sub-standard state when the temporary traffic lights are finally removed.

“Poorly carried out reinstatement work very often leads to road surfaces breaking down, unnecessarily causing potholes much to the annoyance of drivers.

“Introducing a performance-based inspections scheme should force utilities companies to raise their game and should ultimately lead to smoother and safer journeys for all road users.”



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      All very well to focus on utility companies which is good, but they are already meant to comply with SROH (Surface Repair of Highways) as amended May last year so why isn’t this enforced? There are also requirements on LAS to inspect these repairs. Utility companies vary in their quality of work, I have to commend UKPN, compared to which SGN work is shoddy, examples of which are outside my house.
      At the moment one of the worse offenders are LA Highways themselves. ESCC, amongst others, seem to think it is Ok to just dump some tarmac in a hope with no bonding and relying on traffic to tamp it down. leaving adjacent holes unfilled. They seem more concerned with the number of potholes they “fill” rather than the quality of the repair and refused to supply details of the number of repeat calls. Not only is this a problem for users and residents but is not cost effective at the expense of tax payers.

      Linda Grange, Ringmer
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