Day one at National Conference concluded with the presentation of a Prince Michael International Road Safety Award to the team at Road Safety Analysis, for the Crashmap website.
‘CrashMap’ allows users to search the UK to see where crashes have occurred. The user can also filter crashes by the year in which they took place and identify the most serious and the date when the incident occurred.
In September 2013 Crashmap was updated to include DfT 2012 data.
Road Safety Anaylsis has also carried out a lot of work on the site to improve the speed while continuing to offer filters for crashes involving motorcyclists, pedestrians, cyclists and children. Free accounts are available for road safety charities who want to download the detailed reports regarding individual collisions.
It is also now possible to embed CrashMap data on any website with the map showing the location, date, severity, and numbers of vehicles and casualties involved.
Road Safety Analysis is offering a free three-month trial to authorities who want to make use of the data feed with the ability to filter collisions by year and severity.
The Prince Michael International Road Safety Award was presented by CC Suzette Davenport, ACPO lead on roads policing, to Richard Owen, director of Road Safety Analysis.
Crashmap is a source of un-edited road safety data that is available to the public which many could find very useful. Congratulations to Richard Owen (pictured) and everyone at Road Safety Analysis for their work rewarded by this award.
Dave Finney, Slough
Congratulations to all involved at Road Safety Analysis. This is not the first time their hard work and contribution to those of us who work in the Road Safety Profession. Well Done.
Tina Housego Bracknell Forest Council