Ahead of the 2017 edition of Project EDWARD – which is now just over three weeks away – TISPOL is encouraging stakeholders to download the event’s social media resource kit.
Project EDWARD (European Day Without A Road Death) 2017 takes place on 21 September and looks to encourage drivers, riders and pedestrians to spare an extra thought for their safety.
Ahead of the 2017 event, TISPOL is asking stakeholders to get involved by ‘liking’ and retweeting social media activity, tweeting support using the hashtag #ProjectEDWARD and signing the Project EDWARD pledge.
The full social media programme gets underway on Friday (1 September), with stakeholders invited to download the resource kit via the Project EDWARD website (password: socialedwardplan).
The awareness-raising event first ran in September 2016 to ‘re-energise the reduction of fatalities and serious injuries on Europe’s roads’ – by drawing attention to the 70 deaths that occur on average each day on Europe’s roads.
It was was conceived by TISPOL – the European Traffic Police Network – whose work focuses on pan-European activity to make roads safer.
TISPOL’s long-term aim is to use Project EDWARD to spearhead significant and sustained reduction in death and serious injury on roads across the world.
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