Project EDWARD to host webinar on graduated licensing schemes

09.20 | 13 June 2024 |

Project EDWARD will be hosting an hour-long webinar devoted to graduated licensing schemes (GLS) next month.

During the webinar, which takes place at 8am on Tuesday 9 July, Bernard Carlon, executive director of the New South Wales Centre for Road Safety, will show how the introduction of GLS in the state has been instrumental in reducing young driver fatalities in the state by 57%.

Also contributing to the webinar will be Dr Shaun Helman, chief scientist behavioural science at TRL, Dr Sarah Jones from Public Health Wales and Jonathon Passmore from the World Health Organization.

Shaun and Sarah will discuss the New South Wales results, and will talk to Bernard about ways of increasing political will, as well as how he went about gaining support from key decision makers.

Jonathon will consider the GLS scheme from Victoria, and will consider specifically the value of a zero alcohol tolerance.

There will also be a short video showing Shaun debating GLS with students aged 16-17 years at a secondary school in Berkshire.

The webinar will be presented on Teams, with the opportunity for audience members to put their questions to Bernard, Shaun and Sarah.

Register for the webinar via this link.



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