Project Pictogram launches in Cambridgeshire

12.00 | 23 November 2017 | | 1 comment

Emergency services in Cambridgeshire are aiming to raise awareness of the ‘fatal four’ by adopting a vehicle sticker awareness campaign that is already running in other parts of the country.

Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue Service (CFRS) and Cambridgeshire Constabulary have launched ‘Project Pictogram’ to help reduce collisions on the county’s roads.

Project Pictogram, developed by Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service, encourages UK fleets to use an industry standard set of vehicle stickers to communicate the dangers of inappropriate speed, using a mobile phone while driving, not wearing a seatbelt and drink/drug driving – collectively known as the ‘fatal four’.

Both CFRS and Cambridgeshire Constabulary are now displaying the safety messages, which comes in the form of circular ‘pictograms’, on their vehicles, and encouraging businesses across the county to do likewise.

The initiative was officially launched at the start of Road Safety Week (20 Nov) with an event at RAF Wyton, home of the Magpas Air Ambulance* (pictured).

Area commander Chris Parker, CFRS, said: “We are looking at more innovative ways to help reduce the amount of collisions we see on our road network. Project Pictogram is one of these innovative ideas.  

“Working with local businesses that have vehicles travelling regularly across the county allows us to spread these important safety messages to motorists. Seeing these pictograms will hopefully lead them to think about changing their behaviour and drive that little bit safer.”

Police constable Jon Morris, casualty reduction officer, Cambridgeshire Constabulary, said: “This initiative demonstrates how all different road user communities can come together, with a common objective, to reduce the number of casualties on our roads and make everyone’s journey safer.”

*Magpas Air Ambulance is an emergency medical charity that provides pre-hospital care by land and air to patients in life-threatening emergencies in the East of England and beyond.

Related story

New initiative ‘nudges’ road users into behaviour change
08 September 2015

Category: Driving at work.



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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      If you click over to the link ‘Related story Sept 2015’ you will see a coach with 5 pictogammes and not just four, The fifth is for safer folowing on or stopping distance. So where is it now. It seems that there are two difference pictogrammes in circulation and that can’t be right. One is missing and one that was thought important enough to be included. If we are going to do the job then for goodness sake let’s get it right. Failing to display it could cost lives.

      Bob Craven Lancs
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