Junior road safety officers in Southsea have launched a campaign against parents who park on zig-zag lines near their school.
The children from St Swithun’s Catholic Primary went into action outside the school, reminding drivers not to endanger them by parking illegally on the lines. They were backed by RSOs from Portsmouth City Council and the police.
Amber Kerens Bathmaker, the council’s road safety team leader, said: "Parents are very often seen parking on the zig-zags outside schools as they drop their children off. They ignore the signs and the road markings.
"About four pupils took part in the event. They’ve been appointed junior road safety officers under a scheme we run with schools.
"They had an eye-catching banner and leaflets and were on a mission to remind drivers why they shouldn’t park on zig-zags.”
Cllr Lynne Stagg added: " Portsmouth was one of the first authorities to strengthen zig-zag lines with no-stopping orders, which mean you can get a ticket even if you stop to drop off or pick up children.
"If you stop on a yellow school zig-zag between 8am and 4pm you are liable to get a ticket. You can’t park, pick up or set down – even if you’re collecting or dropping off children. Teachers, taxis and visitors to schools are not exempt.”
For further information contact John Millard on (023) 9284 1395.
About time to. Too many parents and taxis think the have the right to park or stop on zig zags, just like pedestrian crossings really. They are doing the same thing at some schools in Blackpool with enforcement officers issuing tickets.
Dont know if its just a revenue thing or a means of making it safer for those who walk to school
Beware though that although many schools in Blackpool have zig zags they do not have the required notices displayed and as such are not legally enforcible. Hope they are in Southsea.
Bob Craven, Blackpool