The panellists for Question Time at the 2018 National Road Safety Conference comprise five individuals with a broad spectrum of road safety involvement.
Question Time is always one of the highlights of the National Conference, which this year is being held at The Grand in Brighton on 27-28 November.
The 10th edition of the event is once again sponsored by Colas, insurethebox and Jenoptik Traffic Solutions. More than 200 people have already registered to attend.
On the panel for 2018 is the renowned road safety psychologist Professor Frank McKenna.
Professor McKenna has been on the editorial boards of the ‘Applied Cognitive Psychology’ and ‘Accident Analysis and Prevention’ journals.
He has also worked with the Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety (PACTS) and has sat on the advisory boards for RoSPA and the AA Foundation for Road Safety, and served on the British Psychological Society working party on Fitness To Drive.
A specialist in understanding young driver behaviour and known as a man who is never afraid to express his views, Professor McKenna has given talks on human error around the world and has run his own consultancy for more than 15 years.
Also on the panel is Simon Rewell, road safety manager for Insure The Box.
Simon joined Insure The Box in 2010 and is responsible for working with local authorities and the emergency services throughout the UK and Europe, supporting a variety of initiatives that help to educate and support young and vulnerable drivers.
Simon is also an active member of PACTS, including the Road User Behaviour Working Party.
Steve Horton was appointed Road Safety GB’s director of communications in March 2018.
Steve’s road safety career spans almost three decades, all of which has been spent with Kent County Council. He joined Kent’s road safety team in 1989 and took up his current post of casualty reduction manager in 2015, which involves managing teams that deliver ETP, cyclist and pedestrian training and Kent’s School Crossing Patrol service.
The fourth panellist is Rachel White, senior policy and political advisor at Sustrans, who represents the cycling and walking charity on a variety of political and policy issues including road safety, cycling, gender and equality and air pollution.
Rachel has appeared on Channel 4 news and BBC Radio 5 Live and a variety of trade and current affairs media including City Metrics, the Government Business and Environmental Journal.
She leads Sustrans engagement with Westminster and spends much of her time working on advocacy with partners, MPs and Peers lobbying for policies to enable more people to walk and cycle.
The final panellist is Katy Bourne, police and crime commissioner for Sussex.
As police and crime commissioner, Ms Bourne sets the strategic direction and priorities for policing in Sussex. She is responsible for setting the police budget and the local police precept as well as holding the chief constable to account for the delivery and performance of the force.
She also has a statutory duty to commission support services for victims of crime and deliver community safety initiatives and crime reduction grants.
The Question Time session will once again be chaired by Nick Rawlings, editor of Road Safety News.
2018 National Road Safety Conference
The 2018 National Road Safety Conference will set out to demonstrate how road safety professionals can combine the four ‘E’s’ – education, enforcement and engineering, underpinned by evidence – to deliver casualty reduction improvements, despite challenging budgetary and resource constraints.
The 2018 National Conference will also once again include The Fringe which runs alongside the main programme and Pick my Brains, a series of optional workshops at the end of day one.
16 organisations have already registered to participate in the exhibition which runs alongside the conference and will be limited to around 20 exhibitors.
Click here to register to attend the conference or here to book a place at the exhibition.
For more information contact Sally Bartrum (delegate registration and exhibition) or Nick Rawlings (speakers and agenda) on 01379 650112.
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