Rescue Facts help save lives

09.41 | 19 June 2009 | | 1 comment

Rescue Facts Ireland is marketing a product that it says ‘has and will’ save the lives of road collision victims.

The Rescue Facts emergency medical ID strap includes a photo, blood type, who to contact, donor information, allergies, past medical history and other information required by medics at the scene of a road crash.

The strap carries the worldwide medical symbol on the front to alert emergency personnel and can be attached to seat belts, motorcycle helmets and schoolbags.

For further information contact Eddie O’ Sullivan or visit:



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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      I purchased 2 of the adult straps for my car, i think they are one of the best products on the market,i think everybody should have these’s for piece of mind, told all my friend’s about them

      evelyn from manchester living in ireland
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