Road Safety GB forms cyclist training task group

13.04 | 15 February 2010 | | 4 comments

Following the announcement that the DfT is changing the accreditation process for instructor training providers, Road Safety GB has established a cyclist training task group and will carry out an audit of current cycling instructor training provision.

The audit results will be used to gauge how the change in the accreditation process may influence training provision in the future. 

The cyclist training task group has been set up to ensure that Road Safety GB members receive information about, and support for, cyclist training and other related matters. The task group will also seek out and develop new opportunities, particularly for local authority provision of cycle training.

The task group will be posting a questionnaire on the Road Safety GB website in the near future, in order to understand the current situation, how the impending change will affect it, and how best the association can support members.

An email will be sent via the Road Safety GB cascade system, flagging up the questionnaire as soon as it appears on the website, and members are encouraged to complete it as soon as possible.

For more information contact Tim Philpott on 07825 530346.



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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      As someone who sat on the original CTRG and its subsequant re-incarnation, I am concerned at Steve J’s view as anyone who was involved (especially Brian H ) will testify it was a difficult process of thesis, antithesis,and finally synthasis of ideas which gave us both the National Standard and the accreditaion scheme- both of which I personally am proud of -both the process and outcome.

      Also within the NW Region around 10 LA RS Teams took part in abenchmarking scheme that we all found useful and beneficial.

      As now a “non memeber” my options to be involved is limited. that said i am more than happy to offer advice if requested

      Steve Whitehouse NW
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      I don’t understand the comment posted, and would suggest that criticism be more objective if it is to have any value. Inasmuch as I can respond, if it is “too late” then I would like to know when such a thing has been requested previously by members. I have sat on P&M for 5 years and not heard it raised as a priority. We have chosen this moment because it is a time of change, and a change we have been watiting for for over a year. If it is “too little”, I would like to hear from members as to how much more they want, and what they are prepared to contribute. Officers, P&M reps, Reps/Advisors and some members are making extraordinary efforts to enable RSGB to grow and develop. To have that summarised in four words does not seem fair

      Tim Philpot, Wolverhampton City Council
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      Cryptic comments are all very well but as none uf us are sure of what yours means it would be more helpful, Steve, if you did as the article sugests and contact Tim Philpot who will be delighted to discuss your views.

      Brian Hogarth, Road Safety GB
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      Too little too late, catch a glimpse of the horses before they are out of sight!

      Steve Jarrett
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