Road Safety GB receives recognition from Prime Minister

12.00 | 21 April 2016 | | 1 comment

Following an invitation from the prime minister David Cameron, Honor Byford, chair of Road Safety GB, attended a reception at 10 Downing Street on Monday 18 April.

The invitation recognised the important role that Road Safety GB and other stakeholders play in ‘Keeping Britain Moving’. The reception was labeled as an opportunity to say ‘thank you for all the hard work that you do, day in day out’.

Honor Byford said: “I was delighted to be able to represent Road Safety GB and introduce our organisation to the Prime Minister at this reception.

“This invitation is recognition of the enormous effort and professionalism that Road Safety GB and our Academy members put into road safety education, training and publicity programmes across the country and throughout the year.

“The further development of accredited training and membership through our Academy is spreading professional practice and robust evaluation throughout the road safety profession and our many partner organisations.

“We are working hard to develop more joined up ways to share our knowledge and expertise with those who work alongside us to help to prevent crashes and casualties on our roads.

“The support of the Department for Transport (DfT) has been essential in helping us move towards achieving these aims.

“We work closely with the DfT and regularly provide advice and assistance on behalf of the  road safety practitioners who deliver this statutory and much valued service to local communities.”


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      What with this and the Pope blessing TISPOL we should eradicate all collisions!

      Peter City of Westminster
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