Road Safety Knowledge Centre goes live

15.01 | 10 August 2010 |

A test version of the new Road Safety Knowledge Centre (Knowledge Centre) has gone live to enable road safety professionals to provide feedback before the formal launch in mid-September.

The Knowledge Centre, which has been developed by Road Safety GB with funding provided by the DfT, has replaced Road Safety Time Bank. It comprises a web-based library of road safety related information and expertise which is available free of charge to anyone who registers as a subscriber. 

Former Time Bank members have had a preview of the Knowledge Centre over the past week, and feedback to date is very encouraging.

Nick Rawlings, who has managed development of the Knowledge Centre on behalf of the project team, says: “We’re delighted with the response to, and interest in, the Knowledge Centre.

“We already have more than 200 listings in the Knowledge Centre, and all of the feedback to date from former Time Bank members has been extremely positive.

“Now we want to hear from other road safety professionals to enable us to carry out any fine-tuning that may be required.”

Click here to visit the Knowledge Centre. You will need to subscribe to access the Knowledge Centre, but the subscription process is very simple and free of charge.

For more information about the Knowledge Centre contact Nick Rawlings on 01379 650112.


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