Road Safety Week to celebrate those who make a difference

10.32 | 5 August 2021 | | 2 comments

‘Road safety heroes’ has been announced as the theme for this year’s Road Safety Week, which takes place between 15-21 November.

Established by Brake more than 20 years ago, Road Safety Week seeks to raise public awareness of road safety issues, and is intended to act as ‘the driver for positive change on UK roads’.

The theme for 2021 is road safety heroes, celebrating those who make roads safer for everyone – from the emergency services, medical teams and support services that care for people after a crash, to designers and engineers who strive to create the safest vehicles and safe spaces for people to travel. 

Brake says there are many different ways individuals, schools and organisations can take part, with a host of resources available in the action pack.

Individuals can access information and videos to learn more about safe and healthy journeys, while schools can download lesson plans, assemblies, and activities to teach vital road safety skills.

Meanwhile, Brake is encouraging organisations to step up their policies and procedures to ensure their employees travel safely, to protect themselves and other road users.

Scott Williams, head of programme delivery at Brake, said: “Road Safety Week is the biggest road safety campaign in the UK and a huge opportunity to make everyone think about the role we can all play in reducing road deaths and injuries. 

“This year’s theme of road safety heroes enables us to celebrate the people who make a difference – from teachers and campaigners to emergency services and road safety professionals. We hope everyone will be inspired to sign up to the information and take part.”



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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      I get the impression that Brake struggle to come up with a new theme for this week and that it’s becoming less and less about road safety and more about raising funds for Brake.

      Keith Wheeler, Aylesbury
      Agree (1) | Disagree (0)

      Interesting no mention for Road Safety Week of contribution all Driver/Rider & Cycle Instructors contribute to pro-active road safety in above article.

      K Barry Dunn, North Wales
      Agree (1) | Disagree (0)

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