Safer doesn’t necessarily mean slower, says IAM

15.30 | 29 November 2010 | | 3 comments

A new Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM) report suggests that bikers who have taken the organisation’s Advanced Riding Test are safer riders than those who have not.

According to the report, Advanced Training Rider Performance, sustainable benefits are delivered in anticipation, road positioning and swift but safe progress on a range of road environments.

The research, one of the first systematic motorcycle simulator studies into rider behaviour, was undertaken to ascertain whether or not riders who have passed the IAM test ride differently to those who have not.

Neil Greig, IAM director of policy and research, said: “We work to promote safer riding, and we educate riders to maintain momentum and progress where possible. So we were pleased to learn that IAM-trained riders adopted the safest road position to deal with hazards, while still managing to achieve the quickest time through tight and medium bends.

“The evidence shows that it was due to their approach and positioning up to and through the bends. Non IAM-trained riders tended to approach faster but then had to overcompensate for the error, slowing while in the bend itself, where the machine is at its least stable.”

Road-side furniture near to the side of the road on bends caused a big psychological effect. The average speed of all riders reduced when barriers or trees were in close proximity to the road.

IAM riders also appeared to have the greatest awareness of the risks in a more urban environment. In the 40mph zone their riding style was more defensive than the other groups; they rode closer to the centre line when approaching a side road on the left than the novice riders, and more slowly than the experienced riders.

Mr Greig continued: “IAM riders also appear to have a more responsible attitude towards their riding. Participants in the study took a hazard perception task, and the IAM riders were quicker to identify hazards and were more likely to blame poor rider behaviour for the situation than non-IAM riders, strongly suggesting that their riding attitude is more defensive.”

For more information contact the IAM Press Office on 020 8996 9777.


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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      It’s not just that IAM Advanced Riders APPEAR to have a more responsible attitude towards their riding. It’s the riders who consider going on such a course who are more responsible and defensive.

      Its not just the IAM, it’s Rospa and DDSA Diamond also that teach or instruct or advise on Advanced Riding Techniques. Which as I have said before should be instructed as of a norm before or after the DSA test. To all riders.

      bob craven Lancs
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      Further to my last comments I have to say that following a course on Advanced Riding…..It Doesnt mean riding FASTER EITHER which some do. Unfortunately.

      Has anyone quantified if the injured or deceased was an advanced rider or maybe had dome some track days. No not as yet.

      Bob Craven
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      It is my experience that the motorcyclists who participate in learning what are called ‘Advanced riding techniques’ want to be safer riders anyway so its basically the converted.

      Much of the time assessment and instruction is done on higher speed limit roads learning techniques such as advanced awareness and identification of possible dangers, learning road position and taking bends and overtaking in a safer manner and with regard to the inherent properties and dangers of a vehicle with only two wheels.

      Many or much of what they learn should be taught at a more basic level so that ALL motorcyclists can be safer on country roads. I have yet to see a limited scooter [30 mph] on such training and doubt that I ever will, but he needs just as much if not more instruction as he will probably be driving in some of the worst crowded and most dangerous situation, in a town situation.

      Bob Craven
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