Safer Steps creates new opportunities to engage in Berkshire

12.00 | 15 October 2012 | | 3 comments

A pedestrian training scheme aimed at pupils in Year 3 (and upwards) is being rolled out across Berkshire – and in the process is creating new opportunities to engage with pupils.

Distribution of the ‘Safer Steps’ pack is underway in Slough, and local RSO Keith Beasley says that this has already resulted in the opportunity to speak at more than 20 new assemblies in 16 schools, involving around 4,500 pupils.

Safer Steps comprises a low cost workbook and DVD that parents can work through with their children to progress systematically through a range of road crossing scenarios. Starting with fundamentals, the materials progress to include more complex road junctions and signal controlled crossings.

Keith Beasley said “We feel it is essential that parents take an active role in their child’s road safety education and the Safer Steps pack provides an ideal opportunity for this. By conducting assemblies with the children at the same time as handing out the packs I am able to fire up their enthusiasm to go away and complete the books.”

Click here to view the booklet or for more information contact Dan Campsell on 01295 731810.


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      These are “economically challenging” times for almost everyone. For that reason cost effectiveness, aka value for money, are more important than ever. So I approve of this scheme.

      Idris Francis
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      I fully support Cheryl’s comments, as many partnerships have become defunct Safer Roads Berkshire is maintaining sucessful shared ideas with the benefits of shared costs within this economically challenging time for Road Safety Professionals.

      Tina Housego Bracknell Forest Council
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      As part of the Berkshire Safer Roads Partnership, West Berkshire Council amongst the 6 unitary councils involved in distribution of Safer Steps, have found these resources have been a great benefit to get the road safety message across to parents. Well done Berkshire Safer Roads, excellant partnership working, shared resources/shared costs/ shared ideas.

      Cheryl Evans – West Berkshire
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