The Nottinghamshire Road Safety Partnership* is organising a training event to help business of all sizes adopt driving practices that will reduce collisions, save lives and reduce operational costs.
The Nottinghamshire Driving for Better Business Seminar will be held on 16 June at Nottingham Trent University’s Nottingham Conference Centre. Its core aim is to encourage local companies to adopt or renew an occupational road risk policy as part of their overall health and safety policy in line with duty of care guidelines.
Steve Hunt, head of Nottingham City Council’s traffic and safety team, said: “Every day in the UK more than 150 vehicles being driven on company business crash. In fact, one in three road crashes involves a vehicle being driven for work. This results in injuries and deaths that could be avoidable if proper risk reduction practices were followed. It also adds a massive cost burden to the businesses involved.
“This seminar will showcase examples of how major businesses reduce collisions and contribute to the overall improvement of road safety, whilst at the same time reducing fleet costs and saving money.”
Driving for Better Business has been brought in to help organise and promote the seminar, which features professor David Crundall from Nottingham Trent University as the keynote speaker. Other business speakers include Andy Price from Zurich will speak about the insurance savings that can be made from adopting safe business driving procedures.
For more information or to book contact Neil Snow from Nottingham City Council’s road safety team.
*Nottinghamshire Road Safety Partnership
The Nottinghamshire Road Safety Partnership includes Nottingham City Council, Nottinghamshire County Council, Nottinghamshire Police, Nottinghamshire Fire & Rescue Service, East Midlands Ambulance Service, Highways England and Public Health.
Whilst commercial vehicles seem to be coming under scrutiny at the moment may I put my two penneth in. It also relates to an article about vans and accidents a few months ago.
The vehicles themselves, the ones without interior mirrors due to having the back windows blanked out or otherwise by design, have to view any vehicles or indeed pedestrians or any other object at the rear using the nearside and offside wing mirrors. Both of these mirrors give a totally false and to my mind a dangerous indication of distance behind. The nearside wing mirror shows anything at the rear to be about twice as far away as it actually is and the offside mirror shows at least one and half times the distance.
Without understanding that, it’s no wonder that van man pulls in front early after an overtake or veers out to overtake apparently disregarding any other vehicle in the outside lane and approaching from the rear. Other matters at the rear of the said vehicle are not seen as they should be and it becomes difficult for the driver to estimate the length of his vehicle and the close proximity there may be to another object such as a wall.
All external mirrors on modern motor cars and motorcycles are designed the same way ie. to give a totally false and misleading representation of any item behind. All except the interior mirror which gives the only true indication of such distances and is the only one that can be relied on following an overtake when one wants to pull back into the lane that was left.
Is this the reason one is constantly pulled in on? The driver not looking into his interior mirror but relying on the nearside or offside wing mirrors only.
Bob Craven Lancs….. Space is Safe Campaigner