South coast councils sign up for Project Pictogram

12.00 | 23 September 2015 |

Hampshire County Council and Portsmouth and Southampton City Councils have all signed up for a new initiative in a bid to improve driver behaviour by applying reminder stickers to vehicles in their fleets.

Launched earlier this month, ‘Project Pictogram’ encourages UK fleets and organisations to use an industry standard set of vehicle stickers to communicate the dangers of the ‘fatal four’: inappropriate speed, using a mobile phone while driving, not wearing a seatbelt and drink/drug driving. 
The three councils’ road safety teams worked closely with Hampshire Fire & Rescue and Hampshire & Thames Valley Police on the development of Project Pictogram, which is endorsed by Road Safety GB, RoSPA, IAM, CFOA, and the Association of British Insurers.
Councillor Sean Woodward, Hampshire County Council, said: “We’ll be leading by example by making sure the council’s 1,000 vehicles display the pictograms, which are clear reminders of the main risks to keeping Hampshire’s roads safe for everyone. 
“I hope Hampshire’s business community will also join in and display the pictograms on their own vehicle fleets so the images become a daily feature on Hampshire’s roads, and everyone travelling is aware of the importance of their behaviour as a driver.”
Honor Byford, chair of Road Safety GB, said: “15 years ago habitual checking of social media on smart phones, the ‘selfie’, and on-the-go coffee retailing at every opportunity didn’t exist as potential driver distractions, but have become socially normalised habits over time. 
“Project Pictogram simply aims to provide timely reminder ‘nudges’ around these easy to change driver behaviour habits it is so easy to slip into.”
Phil Palfrey, Hampshire Fire & Rescue, said: “Support from Hampshire fleets and businesses has been fantastic, and we would anticipate a similar reaction across the country as businesses recognise the potential profit protection benefits as well as the obvious social responsibility ones.  
“Guidelines and artwork files are freely available for any organisation to download and use for the promotion of safer driver behaviour habits.”


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