Road safety practitioners will deliver a series of quick-fire presentations relating to road safety education, enforcement or engineering, as part of the 2018 National Road Safety Conference.
The 10th edition of the National Conference will take place at The Grand in Brighton on 27-28 November and is once again sponsored by Colas, insurethebox and Jenoptik Traffic Solutions. This will be the second time the conference has been held in Brighton, with the 2014 event also staged at the same iconic venue.
In total, around 200 people have already registered to attend.
A session titled ‘speed dating for road safety professionals’ forms part of the main agenda and will include a series of five minute presentations, backed by poster presentations, outlining schemes and interventions they have implemented, or are currently implementing.
To date, nine presentations have been confirmed – covering issues including motorcycling, young drivers, horse riders and child road safety – including a number of award-winning interventions.
The schemes/interventions/campaigns to feature in the speed dating session are:
- The Warwickshire Way
Delivered by Alison Williams, senior road safety officer, Warwickshire County Council
- 2Wheels London (2WL)
Delivered by Debbie Huckle, London Road Safety Council and road safety officer for Brent Council and Jan James, chief executive officer, Good Egg Safety.
- Bikes, Big Trucks and You
Delivered by Cheryl Evans, senior road safety officer, West Berkshire Council
- Speak Out
Delivered by Vicky Harvey, road safety team leader, Kent County Council
- Cambs Drive iQ
Presenter TBC – Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Road Safety Partnership
- Get Your Coat
Delivered by Steve Ferris, Agilysis (on behalf of Safer Roads Berkshire)
- We’re keeping an eye on you
Delivered by Dr Jeremy Leach, principal policy advisor, Wealden District Council
- ‘Dead Slow’ virtual reality film
Delivered by Alan Hiscox, director of safety, British Horse Society
- Route Guard
Delivered by Dan Campsell, representing West Berkshire Council, Agilysis & Romex World
There are still a small number of speaker slots still available in the speed dating session. Anyone interested in presenting can find out more by visiting the conference website.
2018 National Road Safety Conference
The 2018 National Road Safety Conference will set out to demonstrate how road safety professionals can combine the four ‘E’s’ – education, enforcement and engineering, underpinned by evidence – to deliver casualty reduction improvements, despite challenging budgetary and resource constraints.
The 2018 National Conference will also once again include The Fringe which runs alongside the main programme, and on day two the ever popular Question Time session.
16 organisations have already registered to participate in the exhibition which runs alongside the conference and will be limited to around 20 exhibitors.
Click here to register to attend the conference or here to participate in the exhibition which runs alongside the conference.
For more information contact Sally Bartrum (delegate registration and exhibition) or Nick Rawlings (speakers and agenda) on 01379 650112.
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