Students highlight smart phone distraction dangers

12.00 | 3 July 2014 | | 7 comments

Students from West Nottinghamshire College have produced a video highlighting the dangers of distractions caused by smart phones or texting when near or crossing roads.

The film, Get the Message, was sponsored by the Nottinghamshire Safeguarding Children Board (NSCB), and created in partnership with Nottinghamshire County Council Youth Arts, and drama and video production professionals.

The project started as a result of the NSCB identifying the need for greater awareness of the dangers of various distractions in relation to young people crossing roads.

In 2012 there were 96 pedestrian and 46 cycling casualties for the 0-18 years age group on Nottinghamshire’s roads. The county council’s website says that “nearly 10% (of these casualties) happened within 50 metres of a school entrance”.

Councillor Joyce Bosnjak, chairman of the Nottinghamshire Health and Wellbeing Board, said: “There’s increasing evidence nationally that young people using smart mobile phones for tweeting, checking Facebook and playing games could be responsible for children suffering road traffic accidents.

“The video from the West Notts College students is great for highlighting this really important issue amongst their peers.”


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      Yes thank you – I will anticipate as much as I like – whatever it takes to avoid an accident in fact – pity not everyone does it.

      Hugh Jones, Cheshire
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      You can anticipate as much as you like Mr Jones and I expect we have all saved many pedestrians/cyclists from themselves. But in busy streets with hundreds of moving people, it may not always be possible to predict the totally un-predictable! It never ceases to amaze me, why there are not more ‘vulnerable’ people injured on our roads, especially when you see so many people ‘taking a chance’ and have no thought for their own personal safety. Drivers have a responsibility, but cannot be safety caretakers for the non driving population.

      Terry Hudson, Kent
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      Not yet Terry, but if that scenario was real I, and hopefully most of the readers of this site, would not have hit the pedestrian – regardless of what they were doing. Anticipation and being able to stop when you have to, are what counts. As motorists we have to assume ultimate responsibility for our actions when it comes to slower moving, more vulnerable road users.

      Hugh Jones, Cheshire
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      Hugh Jones have you invented some form of car braking that can stop a car instantaneously? When somebody dies on the road, whether in a car, as cyclist or pedestrian, somehow they seem to become totally blameless for their own demise. One day road safety ‘experts’ will have to accept the fact that many ‘victims’ contribute to their own deaths.

      Very good little film that needs maximum promotion.

      Terry Hudson, Kent
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      Great film, very powerful – well done to all involved!

      Matt Staton, Cambridgeshire
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      Well done to all. No blood no guts but a striking message. As the previous reader has commented, this can be used for so much apart from distraction. Camouflaged clothing, driver observation etc.

      I think the friend phoning her up knowing her mate was not going to answer, just to hear her voice, is very real and happens all the time for people who have lost friends and relatives.

      Stuart Rochdale
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      Could be used for other road safety messages as well, including lack of observation/awareness/concentration by the driver. Did she really ‘come from nowhere’? Why not also highlight the fact that the driver couldn’t stop in time?

      Hugh Jones, Cheshire
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