Just under 100 people were arrested as part of the Gloucestershire Road Safety Partnership’s annual Christmas anti drink and drug driving campaign.
The campaign ran between 1 December 2022 and 1 January 2023 – aiming to educate drivers of the dangers and penalties they could face by getting behind the wheel after consuming alcohol or drugs.
Across the campaign, 46 people were arrested for driving whilst under the influence of alcohol, 38 people on suspicion of driving whilst under the influence of drugs and 13 people for failing to provide a specimen.
Some of those arrested for drink or drug driving also face further action for other road offences like speeding, mobile phone use, vehicle defects or driving without due care.
Of the 97 arrests, 48 people have now been charged and are due to appear at court or have already appeared over recent weeks.
Many of the others who were arrested remain under investigation while their blood is analysed and a few face no further action because they were just over the drink drive limit at the roadside but blew under the limit when tested at the station.
In total, 804 vehicles were stopped and 637 breathalyser tests administered.
Inspector Rachel Lynch-Warden, from Gloucestershire Police’s Roads Policing Unit, said: “I would like to thank every officer and member of staff who played a part in making this a successful operation and allowing us to take drink and drug drivers off the roads.
“Our work doesn’t end here as unfortunately people commit drink or drug driving offences all year round. Officers regularly see the aftermath of collisions where drivers have been under the influence and we’ll continue to target those who think they can break the law.
“We want to do everything possible to help to ensure the roads of Gloucestershire are safe for all.”
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